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AperFi Uptime
This is a web-service that monitors key technology services in Puerto Rico. We receive requests for investigation and we start monitoring the technology services with the Kuna Uptime services.
Services Monitored with Community in Mind
The University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez Campus is the inspiration of this Uptime project. In Puerto Rico some tech services aren't up par with the demand of the service. AperFi Uptime wants to be a community based monitoring service to make sure the access of Puerto Rican servers is available.
Uptime Services
In the following you’ll find the official AperFi Uptime services that we are monitoring. In the future we will add more institutions to monitor. At the end of the year we shall report annual statistics of the services.
Project maintained by AperFi Uptime Service.
AperFi Networks is made by Carlos Díaz.